
Bazz-B keeps his hair in a long Mohawk and has two metal nuts pierced into his upper-left ear, and a bolt through his lower-right ear. His attire is a variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform, consisting of the order's signature hooded cloak, a thigh-length trench coat, gloves, and pants which are cropped just above a pair of military boots. He wears a thin chain with the Wandenreich emblem attached to it around his neck and black armbands around his biceps, with a skull and cross bones design on it. As a child, Bazz-B wore a helmet with a stylized B inscribed on the front and a longitudinal crest on the top; a cape attached to his shoulders by two pins, each inscribed with the same stylized B; black gloves; a breastplate held up by two black shoulder straps with a large, stylized B inscribed on it over a dress shirt; black pants; and white shoes. He also had a full head of hair, which was spiky and unkempt. As a teenager, Bazz-B wore a light-colored dress shirt with a black collar, black gloves, and black pants with white pockets, as well as black shoes. Bazz-B is a very harsh, hot-headed young man, quick to speak out against something which troubles him. He holds Jugram Haschwalth in high regard, and is loyal to Yhwach, willing to fight powerful enemies such as Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto for him. Bazz-B is a very merciless individual, crushing the head of a wounded Shinigami crying for help under his foot. He is quite sarcastic, as evidenced when he tells 10th Division Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya he believes the two of them are a "good match" because his fire will melt Hitsugaya's ice. He has the utmost confidence in his flames, bragging about being able to fend off Yamamoto's flames and claiming he could defeat Hitsugaya with a single finger, even if the captain was still in possession of his Bankai. Bazz-B takes great pride in his Mohawk, and is easily angered by others insulting it, going so far as to use Burner Finger 4 against the offending party.

Aside from Yhwach and Haschwalth, he has little compassion for his comrades. When Cang Du was encased in ice by Hitsugaya, Bazz-B mocked him before leaving. He mercilessly shot 4 of his fellow Sternritter with Burner Finger 1 in order to fight Ichigo Kurosaki, as he believes the right to steal some one's prey lies with the one who arrives last. He is, however, willing to protect his fellow Sternritter when necessary. Despite Bazz-B's steadfast loyalty to Yhwach, he is not blindly faithful, and tends to act on his own volition whenever he feels he must. When dissatisfied with Yhwach's choice of successor, Bazz-B attempted to barge into his king's chambers to complain despite being told earlier that arguments will not be tolerated. When Yhwach used Bazz-B, along with several others, as sacrifices for the Auswählen to bring back the fallen Schutzstaffel, along with attempting to destroy the entire world (which would mean the death of all the Sternritter as well) Bazz-B felt betrayed and swore to survive this ordeal so he can kill Yhwach in revenge. As a child, Bazz-B was very proud of himself and his abilities, going so far as to call himself "the great Bazz", and would not hesitate to call those weaker than him losers or himself a genius because of his prowess. However, he also displayed concern for those weaker than him, such as Haschwalth, and would watch over them; this led him to take Haschwalth under his wing and teach him all he wanted to know, as well as give him the rabbit Bazz-B himself had killed so he could take it home to his uncle and not be punished for failing to hunt one himself. As a teenager, Bazz-B had already begun developing his hot-headed personality, having challenged a member of Yhwach's personal guard to combat in order to take his position after the latter insulted him. As a young boy, Bazz-B followed Jugram Haschwalth when the latter was hunting rabbits, one of which he shot with his Spirit Weapon after Haschwalth failed to do so himself. Bazz-B criticized Haschwalth's skill, and when asked who he was, told Haschwalth to introduce himself first while inadvertently revealing his own name, prompting Haschwalth to introduce himself in turn. Noting Haschwalth's cunning in getting him to introduce himself first, Bazz-B explained that he has been following Haschwalth because he did not think the latter could hunt anything himself. However, Haschwalth noted that he could not even form a Heilig Bogen like Bazz-B could yet, which prompted Bazz-B to claim no one else could do it because he is a genius, which was why Haschwalth should not feel bad. Admitting this was true, Haschwalth asked Bazz-B to stop calling him Jugo before revealing that he lived with his uncle. Haschwalth explained how he needed to catch at least one rabbit and began to walk away, but Bazz-B threw the rabbit he killed at Haschwalth's head and claimed he was not hunting for sustenance anyway before tossing his shield away. Climbing up a tree, Bazz-B told Haschwalth that he would teach him whatever he wanted to know and that they would be the strongest Quincies around before leaping away. Half a year later, Yhwach began conquering the northern lands where Bazz-B's village was located, during which he burned down Bazz-B's village and the nearby forest. Afterward, Bazz-B told Haschwalth that they would kill Yhwach, but when Haschwalth questioned whether he had to come with him, Bazz-B pointed out how Yhwach also burned down his forest before telling him to live with his uncle if he was okay with this, only for Haschwalth to reveal his uncle died in the fire as well. Bazz-B and Haschwalth used the money they found in the remains of the village to survive and train for five years in order to kill Yhwach. As the years passed, Bazz-B's training went fine, but he expressed concern for Haschwalth due to the latter's inability to manipulate Reishi. Bazz-B theorized that Haschwalth was the Quincy rumored to be born every 10 years who was "incomplete", but acknowledged his efforts toward compensating for this by honing his other combat skills and decided that he could not abandon him despite this. Eventually, Yhwach's personal guard came to a nearby village to announce the formation of the Sternritter, and upon hearing of this, Bazz-B enthusiastically introduced himself and Haschwalth as willing candidates. However, upon being rejected by Hubert, who claimed he would not perform very well in the upcoming examinations, Bazz-B challenged him to combat in order to take his position. As the two prepared to fight, Yhwach arrived and pinned everyone to the ground with his Reiatsu before revealing that he was seeking a right-hand man. Seeing his opportunity, Bazz-B attempted to draw his attention, but was shocked when Yhwach selected Haschwalth, his "other half", instead.

Upon receiving the orders of Yhwach, he and the other Sternritter gather at the Gate of the Sun before traveling to the Seireitei in order to participate in the conquest of Soul Society. Once there, he and the other Sternritter create pillars of blue flames prior to engaging the Shinigami in battle, allowing members of the 3rd Division to surround his position. Emerging, Bazz-B ambushes 3rd Division Lieutenant Izuru Kira from afar, destroying a significant part of his right torso and inciting three seated officers to release their Shikai. Simultaneously dispatching 3rd Division's 5th Seat Taketsuna Gori and 6th Seat Asuka Katakura, Bazz-B eliminates 3rd Division 3rd Seat Rikū Togakushi with similar ease, Later, alongside Äs Nödt and NaNaNa Najahkoop, Bazz-B attempts a sneak attack on Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, only for the latter to effortlessly defeat them with Ryūjin Jakka. Later, Bazz-B, having survived this attack, crushes the head of an injured Shinigami underfoot while witnessing the advance of the Wandenreich's Soldat reinforcements. Later, Bazz-B is present when Yhwach declares Uryū Ishida will be his successor. Enraged by this announcement, Bazz-B steps forward to object, only to be stopped by Jugram Haschwalth. After the meeting, Bazz-B vents to some of his fellow Sternritter and expresses confusion over who Uryū is and why Yhwach chose him. Stating he cannot accept the emperor's decision, he departs for Yhwach's chambers to voice his concerns in person, against Mask De Masculine's warning not to. When he is intercepted by Haschwalth, who asks him where he is going, Bazz-B returns the question. Stating he was certain Haschwalth would be chosen as Yhwach's successor and most of the Sternritter would have been fine with such an arrangement, Bazz-B calls him a coward for not questioning the decision and expresses his disappointment, before proclaiming he will take the throne for himself if Haschwalth does not care about not being chosen. As Haschwalth attempts to calm the increasingly manic Bazz-B, who insists he is calm, they are interrupted by the arrival of Askin Nakk Le Vaar, who sarcastically states Bazz-B was indeed calm, despite being on the verge of attacking Haschwalth. When Bazz-B asks Askin what he did, Askin explains his action.Later, Bazz-B joins the Wandenreich's second assault on Soul Society and is intercepted by a large group of Shinigami, who attempt to halt his progress. Scoffing at them for trying to stop him despite having already invaded the Seireitei, Bazz-B attempts to engulf the Shinigami in flames, only for 10th Division Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya to appear and protect the group with a wall of ice. Beginning to fight Hitsugaya and 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Bazz-B notes he is fighting the captain whose Bankai was stolen by Cang Du. Introducing himself as "The Heat", Bazz-B states they are an interesting match in battle. As they fight, Bazz-B notes how thin and easily melted the ice is. When Rangiku and Hitsugaya initiate their strategy, Bazz-B notes he can no longer completely melt the ice. Becoming enraged after Hitsugaya explains Shinkū Tasō Hyōheki and taunts him, Bazz-B fails to break through the ice wall once more as Hitsugaya uses Shinkū no Kōri no Yaiba, which impales Bazz-B with a blade of ice. Pinned to a nearby pillar by the ice, Bazz-B is seemingly defeated. As Hitsugaya and Rangiku turn to leave, Bazz-B calls them mean for leaving him before he warmed up and states he has not even begun to fight. Melting the ice pinning him to the wall, Bazz-B steps down and states his Sternritter mantle has been ruined before removing it. Bazz-B reveals that he, Äs, and NaNaNa were able to survive Yamamoto's flames because his flames were able to offset Yamamoto's. Bazz-B turns one of the ice pillars into water, melting it and creating an explosion, before claiming he would only need one finger to defeat Hitsugaya's Bankai if Hitsugaya still possessed it. When Hitsugaya sends a wave of ice at Bazz-B, it melts in front of him as Bazz-B claims Hitsugaya will never reach him. When Hitsugaya attempts to retreat, Bazz-B states he still only needs one finger to defeat Hitsugaya's Ryōjin Hyōheki and uses Burner Finger 1, which severely injures Hitsugaya. Chasing Hitsugaya as he retreats, Bazz-B taunts Hitsugaya over his use of "petty little tricks" before being caught in Rokui Hyōketsujin. Destroying the trap with his flames, Bazz-B asks Hitsugaya if he is intentionally provoking him into using two fingers before using Burner Finger 2, which creates a massive explosion and grievously wounds Hitsugaya. Before Bazz-B can attempt any further action, Cang Du steps in and reminds Bazz-B how they agreed to let the Sternritter fight the captain they stole Bankai from before preparing to finish Hitsugaya off. When Bazz-B says Yhwach will punish Cang Du for stealing his prey, Cang Du reminds him Yhwach ordered them to kill the one whose Bankai they stole in the first place, causing Bazz-B to scoff in annoyance. As the battle comes to a close, Bazz-B watches Cang Du's apparent defeat and chastises his colleague for losing before leaving the scene. Sometime afterwards, Bazz-B expresses extreme shock and anger at Gremmy Thoumeaux upon seeing the huge meteorite that he summoned hurtling toward him. Later on, Bazz-B listens in as Shinji Hirako explains to Marechiyo Ōmaeda that the Shinigami cannot afford for Kenpachi Zaraki to die, and that they must help him. The Sternritter informs them that that means he has to stop them from going to Zaraki. Shinji asks him who he is and whether he intends to get in the way, but Bazz-B simply replies that he already is, and proceeds to use Burner Finger 3. Soon afterward, when Candice Catnipp is attacking Ichigo, Bazz-B, with his Quincy: Vollständig active, pierces her with Burner Finger 1 before doing the same to Liltotto Lamperd, Giselle Gewelle, and Meninas McAllon. He claims it is natural to snatch someone else's prey as NaNaNa, PePe, and Robert Accutrone arrive behind him, However, Liltotto tells Bazz-B Burner Finger 1 is not enough to stop them before proclaiming the one who kills Ichigo gets all the glory.

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